Hscode: 28061000 Chemical formula: HCl CAS Nu: 7647-01-0 UN Nu: 1789 Hazard Class: 8 Synonyms: Muriatic acid, Spirits of salt, Hydronium chloride, Chlorhydric Acid

Hydrochloric acid is a clear, colorless solution with a very pungent smell with the chemical formula of

HCL. It is also known as (salt essence). And it has many industrial applications. WE supply it in 3 terms of

33 %, 16 %, 15%.

  • Production of batteries:

  • Acidification of oil well:

  • Reduction of ores:

  • Making organic compounds:

  • Household cleaners:

  • Preparation of salt ink (cleaner and remover of ceramic mass):

Physical & chemical propertie ISIRI Compliant Range products Range
Concentration _ %w/w of HCL Min 30 30 – 33
Density at 20°c_ g/mL Min 1.15 Min 1.15
Sulfate as SO²₄ _ ppm Max 100 Max 50
Heavy Metal as Pb _ ppm Max 2 Max 2
Free chlorine and Bromine as Cl _ ppm Max 20 Max 18

(Controllable to 0 ppm)

Iron as Fe_ ppm Max 5 Max 0.5
Sulfite as SO²₃ _ PPM Max 50 Max 20
Arsenic as As _ ppm Max 1 Max 1
Mercury as Hg – ppm Max 1 Max 0.25
Copper as Cu _ ppm Max 1 Max 0.9
Lead as Pb _ ppm Max 1 Max 1
Appearance Clear, free of sediment and suspended particles Ok

Option 1 (drum): Four 220-liter drum on each pallet: 1mt → 22 Pallets in each truck

Option 2: Bulk depending on the capacity of tanker truck

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