HD 5050 EA

MFR: 4.5 Density: 0.950 Application: Heavy duty, High ESCR applications such as screw stopper. Caps & closures.


Petrochemical: Shazand arak

HD5050EA is a high density polyethylene copolymer grade with a narrow molecular weight distribution, specially developed for injection moulding applications where a good environmental stress-cracking resistance is required.

Good environmental stress cracking resistance.
Good impact strength.
Good weathering resistance.

  • Caps & closures.:

  • Technical mouldings.:

  • Bins.:

  • Crates, boxes, household items.:

  • HD5050EA is not suitable for organoleptic applications.:

HD5050EA (Injection Moulding)
Typical properties  Test method (ASTM) Unit Value
MFI@190°C, 2.16 kg D1238 gr/10min 4.5
Density D1505 gr/cm3 0.95
Tensile Strength@Yield D638 Mpa 25
Tensile Modulus D638 Mpa
Elongation@Break D638 % 1000
Flexural Modulus D790 Mpa 800
Hardness Shore D D2240 64
Charpy Impact Resistance (Notch) D256 Kj/m2 15
Values shown are averages & are not to be considered as products specifications.

HD 5050 EA Datasheet

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