Tabriz Petrochemical Complex

Tabriz Petrochemical Complex

Nominal capacity (KTY): 824
Complex location: Tabriz Petrochemical Complex End of Shahid Kassaei Highway, Kilometer 3 of Shahid Bakri Expressway, Petrochemical Complex Dedicated RoadŁˆ Postal Code: 5197133377
Area: 391 hectares
Established year: 1367
Ownership: Tabriz Oil Refining Company: 48.59%, rovincial Investment of Justice Shares: 10%, Armed Forces Social Security Investment Company: 11.57%. Omid Investment and Management of Shares Company: 17.89%. Other Shareholders: 11.96%
Standard certificates received: ISO 50001 , ISO 9001, ISO 14001 , ISO 10002 , OHSAS 18001
Unit Current Capacity Under Construction
Styrene Monomer 97,000 tons per year 0
Ethylbenzene 100,000 tons per year 0
Aromatics 78,500 tons per year 0
Butadiene 31,500 tons per year 0
Butene-1 7,000 tons per year 0
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) 35,000 tons per year 0

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