Marun Petrochemical Complex

Marun Petrochemical Complex

Nominal capacity (KTY): 4,506
Complex location: Ahvaz and Petrochemical Special Economic Zone
Area: 102.5 hectares (9.5 hectares on Kilometer 15 of the Ahvaz-Mahshahr Road in Karit Camp Ahvaz and 93 hectares in Mahshahr at Site 2 of Petrochemical Special Economic Zone)
Established year: 1377 (1998-1999)
Ownership: Justice Shares Investment - 30%, Tabaan Tomorrow Petrochemical Group - 20.5%, Oil and Gas Investment and Petrochemical Company - 16.6%, Social Security Organization of the Armed Forces - 12.5%, Armed Forces Pension Fund - 7%, Afsaraneh Cooperative Investment Company - 10.5%, Other Shareholders - 2.7%
Standard certificates received: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 50001, EFQM
Unit Current Capacity Under Construction
Ethylene Glycol (EG) 443,000 tons per years
Olefin 1,551,000 tons per years
Polyethylene 300,000 tons per years
Ethane and Gas Liquids Recovery 1,900,000 tons per years
Polypropylene 300,000 tons per years
Ethylene Oxide 443,000 tons per years

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